Playgroup is so Much Fun

PlayTime is a playgroup ministry of Wentworthville Presbyterian Church. The preschool years are precious for both children and parents and a regular time to play and learn together is a vital part of developing a close relationship. Both children and mums need a chance to meet with peers and make friends. PlayTime aims to provide this in a safe, caring playgroup environment.

Though we are a Christian group run by Christian mums, we welcome attendance from people of all faiths. During Mat-time we will read a story from the Bible, as well as other stories and sing children’s songs together.

Wednesdays 9.30am-11.15am

Throughout the year, there will also be opportunities for the parents/carers to participate in discussions on various aspects of the Christian faith. Overall, we want everyone who comes along to have fun and make friends. The job of taking care of young children is easier when we have friends going through the same thing. We hope that we will all be like-minded in helping each other, and building a supportive community.

We can do this by:

  • actively listening and speaking positively to each other
  • helping in practical ways (e.g. making someone a cup of coffee, getting a toy for a crying child etc...) and
  • participating actively in teaching your child to interact well with other children (promoting good relationships between others).

registration, fees & attendance

At your first PlayTime each year you will be asked to register your details by filling in a registration form. Please complete this form for insurance and emergency purposes. At the start of each Term to confirm your registration you will also be required to pay a fee of $30 per family. The money is used to cover the costs of craft activities, morning tea supplies and replacing toys. Please let us know if meeting this cost is an issue – we do not want to be collecting money every week.

As PlayTime is in high demand from the community, we expect that by registering you are committing yourself to attending regularly. If you cannot attend for more than two weeks, please notify Felicity (eg sickness, holidays etc.)

Covid-Safe playgroup

Please do not attend the playgroup if you or any of your children have a runny nose, cough, cold, fever or sore throat.

Please stay home if any member of your family has symptoms or you are waiting for test results.

We will unfortunately have to ask you to leave  if we discover such symptoms during Playtime and would rather not be put in such an awkward position.

All toys will be appropriately cleaned and disinfected at the end of PlayTime each week.

To get more information on playgroup and to register, fill in the form below

Playgroup Inquiry

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


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